I thought I was a normal size. I had small mirrors in the bathroom, but otherwise I was never forced to look at myself. I could rationalize that reflections in car windows or glass doors were exaggerated. I had no idea what a fat-ass I had become.
When you stand on a scale, you can take that number and figure out a way to make that okay. "Well, you see, I have large breasts, so a lot of that weight is accounted for." "I'm taller than normal, so this number should be larger, too." To avoid such a stupid line of logic it is so fucking helpful to spend some time looking at your relative size to the space around you. Stand in front of the mirror for a while. Take it in. Try on a couple outfits and see what you really look like instead of what you think you look like. It can cause a fucking epiphany.
Measure your waist. Do it. Check out THAT number. If you are male, you chance for heart disease is huge if your waist is over 42 inches. If you are female that number should be 35. What is your number? You need to know this and you need to know your goals. How many inches do you need to lose to be healthy?
Spend some time looking at yourself and your size. For real. The numbers might come as a complete fucking shock but you need to start investigating your body and know what's going on with it. Health care costs will only get worse as we get older and fixing our size and intake is only going to prevent the bills from getting larger.
Hang a full length mirror somewhere in your house and spend some time with it. As you continue to work out and watch your food intake that mirror will keep you motivated and be the first to congratulate you on your achievements. A few months ago I walked into the kitchen and passed the mirror and caught my silhouette for a split second and didn't recognize the image. That felt so fucking good. You will fucking love it, too.