At first she thought she was mistaken. She looked for an employee and he referred her to the "hippie" on staff who was able to find some overpriced organic frozen fruit in another area, but the selection was very limited. Seriously.
At some point, we as consumers have to demand better from our grocery stores and supermarkets. They have to know that we require better food stuff than the shit they have on hand. We've become complacent in our purchasing. If we don't ask for quality food then we deserve what we fucking get.
Here's something you might not know about stores. They want to sell you shit, obviously, but if they don't carry what you want to buy, they will generally find a way to get it for you. It might take some bitchin, but I'm sure you are more than capable of that. Ask for what you want. Ask the girl at the checkout counter, ask the stock-boy, ask the day manager, ask the mid-shift manager. If they don't know that they are missing out on a market, they won't know how much money they aren't making.
Encourage your friends and family to do the same. Demand whole grain options if you can't find them. Demand quinoa instead of Stove-Top. Tell them you have money burning a hole in your pocket and refuse to use it on shitty inferior products. This is a win/win situation. You get what you want to eat and they get to sell it to you. What the fuck is the problem here?
The difference between try and triumph is a little bit of umph! So try and get what you fucking want and/or need to eat, dammit!