One is their "Eat Healthy & Lose Weight" diet plan. Yeah, you read that right. Go on the fucking Taco Bell diet. I guess that means nasty processed chicken instead of greasy ground beef? Who thinks to themselves "well...I'm on a diet, so I think it'll be Taco Bell for lunch today!"
The other campaign they are currently running is the "Fourth Meal" concept. "2 A.M and you got the munchies? That can be solved with some heartburn inducing Nacho BellGrande love!" I'm not even going to go into the reasons you shouldn't be eating this late at night (that's another future rant), but what are these dickheads thinking? Did the two marketing geniuses not confer with each other on this? How are they going to A) tell the public that Taco Bell understands the needs of someone attempting to lose weight and B) encourage late night binge eating?
I know we aren't supposed to blame the fast food companies for making us fat. It's not like they force the food down our throats, right? But what kind of message is this sending to those who might lack a certain cognitive capacity to make rational food decisions? A fourth meal? Seriously? Because it's late and dinner was hours ago? As if the average American isn't already consuming three times the recommended caloric intake for a 24 hour period, now we are going to encourage another thousand or so calories right before going to sleep? I'm quite certain anyone going to take advantage of the late hours is going to be ordering from the "diet" menu . Taco Bell has lost their fucking minds. And they seem to think we have, too.
This is why I'm thinking that even if I were allowing myself a "cheat day" and really had a hankering for cheap, nasty, imitation Mexican food, I will NOT be going to Taco Bell. They clearly think I'm a moron and that makes them an Asshole.